The Grid is an open source image management system originally developed by the Guardian newspaper.
The Grid helps media organisations manage their in-house image library, agency image feeds and the production of optimised assets for digital and print.
Hosted Grid is a cloud based version of the Grid offered by Eel Pie Consulting Ltd.
Is the Grid a good fit for your organisation? Get your own Hosted Grid to try for 30 days.
Need an invite code? Request one here.
Your organisation has a large archive of in house images spanning many years created by numerous contributors. The fire hose of agency images is flowing past rapidly.
How do you quickly locate the best image to illustrate your content? How do you encourage editors to use the most cost effective sources?
Browse and search your image library in real time.
Images can be ingested from your feed suppliers or uploaded directly. The Grid grows with your library, scaling to support millions of images.
Navigate and discover related images using the EXIF and IPTC metadata extracted from your image files.
Use text search to locate specific images and events.
Crop your original images and publish the resized and optimised assets directly to your docroot.
Stay in control of your agency image spend and reporting obligations.
Usage rights are clearly visible when editorial staff are selecting images.
Authorise the use of paid images with leases.
Record where you have used images with usages.
Manage spend on expensive suppliers by applying quotas.
Learn more about using the Grid